Gardening Resources
Virginia Cooperative Extension/Fairfax County Master Gardeners
Extension Agent Adria Bordas
Virginia Tech publications library
Virginia Dept. of Conservation & Recreation native plants table, invasive plants and flora of Virginia
Aster online gardening community. FCGC members have access to a private group.
NC State Extension information and classes
Garden Guides' articles on a variety of plants and garden topics.
Brie Grows by Brie Arthur, one of FCGC's favorite horticulturists
Scroll down to see Native Plant Resources and the FCGC photo gallery.

Native Plant Resources
Chesapeake Bay Native Plant Center
Conservation Research Institute
Earth Sangha (local wild plant nursery)
Nature By Design, 300 Calvert Ave., Alexandria
Plant NOVA Natives and their Native Plants for Northern Virginia downloadable guide
US Fish and Wildlife Service's Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed